3 Things Essential To Any Funeral Plan

Have you ever considered what will happen after you pass on? Were you recently alerted by the passing of a beloved friend or relative just how difficult and costly it can be to arrange a funeral? Nobody likes to think about their own passing, but it's still something that happens to everyone. Unfortunately, when it does, your loved ones are left to try to figure out what you would have wanted. In some instances, this is relatively easy. But, due to grief and other issues, this can be more difficult than it might seem at first. You can make things easier on everyone by writing down your last wishes now so that everyone knows what you wanted. Some things that you need to consider now include the following. 

Burial or cremation: When thinking about funeral planning, one of the first things that you need to consider is whether you want to be buried or cremated. This can have a huge impact on the budget that is required for the entire funeral process. A burial can cost several thousand dollars just for the plot alone, then there are the actual burial costs to consider. In contrast, cremation is often a fraction of the cost, and then your loved ones can either keep your ashes until they have the budget to inter them somewhere, or you can request that your ashes be scattered at a favorite location for little to no cost to your loved ones. 

Rented or purchased casket: Whether your funeral planning includes getting buried or cremated, renting a casket is another way to get costs down for your loved ones. For the funeral portion, many funeral homes will rent out beautiful caskets for the service, memorial, or viewing. Once this is complete, the body is transferred to a more simple box for the actual burial or cremation. This option can potentially reduce the final cost of your funeral by several thousand dollars.

Life insurance: You may already have life insurance right now or you may be thinking about getting some as part of your funeral planning, but having life insurance isn't the most important part. The essential thing is that your loved ones know about the insurance policy and are able to get the details once you've passed on. There are dozens of life insurance companies out there, so trying to find the one that you went with can be a daunting challenge for grieving relatives, if they even remember that the policy exists. Avoid having your insurance policy go unclaimed and your friends and relatives having to pay for your funeral costs out of their own pockets by making it well-known in your funeral plans exactly what policy you have and how to get the money.
