Convincing Reasons to Pre-Plan and Pay for Your Own Memorial Service

You may not especially relish in thinking about your own mortality. However, you realize that your own demise is an eventuality in life that you cannot avoid. You also know that it has the potential to place an undue burden on your family. To spare them from unnecessary expense and grief, you can establish your final wishes while you are still healthy and lucid. The following reasons can help you better understand why you should use a memorial planning service to plan and pay for your memorial service.

1. Choosing Your Final Resting Place

One of the most contentious matters that families encounter is deciding where to lay people to rest. Your relatives may disagree about which cemetery they should use to bury you. Some may even want to place you in a vault or cremate and spread your ashes. You can answer the dilemma for them by putting plans for your memorial service in writing. The memorial planning service will have your plans in writing and placed in a secure place so they can carry out your wishes.

2. Selecting Music and Readings

You also may want your memorial service to include certain music and readings. If you are not much of a religious person, you may want to forgo including Bible passages or religious music played. You could plan for a more secular service. However, if you are a religious person, you can tell the memorial planning service what readings and hymns they should use at your service. Your family can then avoid having to make these selections for you.

3. Paying for Your Plans

One of the primary benefits that come with planning out your memorial service involves paying for it well before you pass away. The memorial planning service can lock in current rates for your plans. You can also make payments on your service to ensure that it is paid for in full. Your family won't have to pay for it out of their own pockets, especially during a time of mourning. You can also leave more money in your estate to divide among your heirs.

These reasons are some for why you should plan out and pay for your memorial service with a memorial planning service now. You avoid placing that burden on your surviving family members. You can also dictate plans like where you want to be laid to rest and what music and readings to use. 
